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Services (8)

  • Laptop Deep Cleaning Laptop Deep Cleaning Service Experience top-tier maintenance with our professional Laptop Deep Cleaning Service at, the leading expert in PC building and onsite service in Delhi. Our specialized service ensures your laptop remains in optimal condition, enhancing performance and extending its lifespan. Service Highlights: - Thorough Internal Cleaning: Removal of dust, debris, and buildup from internal components, including fans, heatsinks, and motherboard. - Thermal Paste Reapplication: Replacement of old thermal paste to ensure efficient heat dissipation and prevent overheating. - Exterior Cleaning: Detailed cleaning of the keyboard, screen, ports, and chassis to maintain a pristine appearance. - Performance Check: Comprehensive diagnostics to identify and resolve potential issues, ensuring your laptop runs smoothly. Benefits of Biannual Deep Cleaning: 1. Enhanced Performance: Regular cleaning prevents dust accumulation, which can cause overheating and slow performance. Keep your laptop running at peak efficiency. 2. Extended Lifespan: Preventative maintenance reduces wear and tear on internal components, prolonging the overall life of your laptop. 3. Reduced Overheating: Fresh thermal paste and clean fans ensure optimal cooling, protecting your laptop from potential heat damage. 4. Improved Airflow: Clean vents and fans allow for better airflow, reducing the risk of internal damage due to dust buildup. 5. Healthier Workspace: A clean laptop minimizes exposure to allergens and bacteria, contributing to a healthier working environment. 6. Optimized Battery Life: Regular maintenance helps in identifying and fixing issues that may drain the battery, ensuring longer usage periods. Trust to deliver unmatched expertise and care for your laptop, ensuring it remains a reliable and efficient tool for your daily needs. Schedule your Laptop Deep Cleaning Service every six months and experience the difference professional maintenance can make.

  • On Site PC Assembly

    Elevate your PC setup with LeBYo PC's Onsite PC Assembly Service, delivering precision and expertise right to your doorstep. Our service features meticulous assembly with best-in-class cable routing and management for a clean and organized system. Additionally, we handle Windows setup and install basic drivers, ensuring your PC is ready for optimal performance. Experience the convenience and craftsmanship of our Onsite PC Assembly Service for a seamless and hassle-free setup.

  • On Site PC Deep Cleaning and Servicig

    Revitalize your PC with LeBYo PC's Onsite PC Deep Cleaning Service. Our comprehensive service begins with disassembling your system, allowing us to meticulously clean all components for peak performance. We inspect each element to ensure optimal functionality and replace the CPU thermal paste for improved cooling efficiency. Moreover, our technicians rearrange the cabinet and CPU cooler to optimize airflow, enhancing your system's overall cooling capacity. We then redo cable management to declutter and improve internal aesthetics. Finally, we address any driver-related issues, ensuring your PC runs smoothly and efficiently. Experience the transformative power of our Onsite PC Deep Cleaning Service, revitalizing your system for enhanced performance and longevity. Trust LeBYo PC to breathe new life into your PC today.

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